Simple Algorithm On How To Achieve Any Goal

Four steps to make it all happen. The concept of Loop.

Aliona Lyubimova
5 min readJan 16, 2018

Sitting there, listening to the rain, drinking my cuppa, thinking of what to start my blog with I came up with a thought. I should write about what I am good at. And here it is a simple algorithm on how to achieve any goal.

Well, here it is, short and sweet.

You have to grow a little but very strong warrior inside of your personality.

Let me show you how to do it.

There is a simple algorithm. If you follow it step by step you’ll experience its magic. Tested for more than 15 years.

Step 1. You have to know what you want first.

Its all starts with imagination.

Please take a pen and piece of paper. Free 15 minutes of your time. Right now. And write everything you want in your life. Without any restrictions. Imagine that you have a magic wand and you like Harry Potter can do your magic here and now. Write all your dreams and wishes unconditionally.

Do you want a boat? Write it down. A wedding ring? Travel the world? A baby? A business? Tons of money? Please write all this down. Experience this feeling of freedom.

You have to have at least 25 items on your list before moving on to the next step.

Step 2. Admit this is all possible.

After you get finished with your dream list you would probably wonder is it really possible? I can’t have all that. I can’t do all that, can I?

And well, in fact, yes, you can. And what is more important you should make your life perfect.

Take any of your dream items. Let’s say a big house. Walk along any street of your town, take a look around you. There are hundreds and hundreds of houses out there and people are owning them. So, yes, it is possible.

Let’s pick another one. Your own business. Yes, sounds like way too hard and tricky. But if you look outside the box, you will see how many people do it successfully. Take a walk in the center of your town. There are hundreds of small and large businesses out there.

Just accept that any goal is possible to achieve.

Step 3. Sit there and make some decisions.

Even though you can have and achieve everything you want in life you have to prioritize what you would like to have first.

Choose 10 items that look really appealing. Imagine that you already have all that. Does it feel good?

From there you have to choose just one you’ll be working on and this one has to become your priority.

Step 4. The loop.

Most important one. Here you train your little warrior.

When someone says to you “don’t give up” it means you need to continue doing something or you fail. But there is always “but”. No one can explain how not to give up. And lots of people just wondering around thinking “oh, I am not giving up, not giving up”. And if there is a doubt (which is a very natural thing) there is also this phrase of false inspiration.

You might ask what is wrong with it?

In fact, when you say “I don’t give up” it puts you under double pressure. It’s hard enough with all those doubts but now you are also trying to resist this failure sign of not giving up. There is no such thing as a failure. Not at all. There are certain steps that you do on your way to your dream, some work some don’t, but none of them should be considered in any way a failure. So, let’s reject this position of not giving up at all.

Instead, I would like to present a concept of a loop.

Loop is a set of recurrent activities that you do to achieve a goal. There is no way you can learn to walk without falling down. But you somehow stood up and repeat your walking activity, didn’t you? So, it’s pretty much the same.

You may say, but there are so many who fail. Fail to find a right partner, fail to grow a business and so many other failures out there. Here where the loop comes in play. Most of the time people consider a failure where there is no failure at all.

How to construct a loop. You have to set up a set of activities you are willing to take until you reach your goal.

Let me set up a few examples here.

Example 1. For instance, you want to build a product. It looks hard until you set up a set of recurrent activities you have to do every week (or any other period of time, it has to be repetitive).

In the loop you may include:

  • Planning your activities
  • Building your customer base
  • Designing your product architecture and taking steps to build it
  • Visiting your local meetups
  • Networking
  • Writing a blog

You set up your dream business goal, you sit back, relax for a minute or two and then start making all these steps from the loop you set up. And you repeat until you reach your goal. You can update any iteration with new steps or remove those you don’t need anymore. But you never stop until you reach whatever you want. Each iteration will bring you more confidence and more results to move on further.

Loop can be used not only for business or professional growth but also in reaching your personal goals.

Example 2. Let’s imagine you want to lose weight. You choose a personal trainer, set up your goal weight and then you have to build a loop.

In the loop you may put:

  • Go to the gym twice a week
  • Eat low carb food 6 days a week
  • Meet with gym buddy or personal trainer once a week
  • Do a proper veggies smoothie once a day
  • Do a morning dance for 15 minutes every morning with kids.

You set up your dream weight goal, you relax and enjoy your loop until you get there.

With every iteration, your warrior will get stronger and it would be easier to follow up your chosen routine.

Believe me, if you construct a good loop and follow it with excitement and pleasure you’ll get there much sooner than you imagine.



Aliona Lyubimova

Psychotherapist. Personal Blog. My Thoughts on Clinical Aspects of Mental Health.